God is very clear. He punishes those who turn their backs on Him.
"Although our sins testify against us,
do something, Lord, for the sake of your name.For we have often rebelled;
we have sinned against you.
8 You who are the hope of Israel,
its Savior in times of distress,
why are you like a stranger in the land,
like a traveler who stays only a night?
9 Why are you like a man taken by surprise,
like a warrior powerless to save?
You are among us, Lord,
and we bear your name;
do not forsake us!" Jeremiah 14: 7-9
God's response is:
"Then the Lord said to me, “Do not pray for the well-being of this people. Although they fast, I will not listen to their cry; though they offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Instead, I will destroy them with the sword, famine and plague.” Jeremiah 14: 11-12
When people sin, they get God's punishment. Every time in history when the nation of Israel, God's chosen people, have rejected Him, He has punished them. "If you forsake the Lord and serve foreign gods, he will turn and bring disaster on you and make an end of you, after he has been good to you.” Joshua 24:20 Further, God said the Israelites had disobeyed him so he would not drive the other nations out. Judges 1:1-3
During the time of Jeremiah, the nation of Israel no longer served God. Currently, the nation of Israel no longer serves God. For over a thousand years, the Israelites have both refused to accept Jesus as their Savior and refused to perform sacrifices as required by the Old Testament law.
You may think that God requires mercy and not sacrifice, but murdering children around you is not mercy. The Israelis are not showing any mercy or performing sacrifices.
Should we move all the Americans off our U.S. border who are being murdered by illegal immigrants to safe lands the way our current president wishes to relocate Palestinians? We could just allow those breaking the law, like the Israelis, to take over that area. Vengeance belongs to the Lord--not to Israel. Israel has not stopped at Palestine. It has now, with the blessing of the United States, invaded Lebanon and Syria and Iran.
We looked the other way when Hitler invaded Austria and Poland and Hungary, too. How dare I compare Israel to Hitler? Sometimes we become the evil we hate. Bullies like to make you feel powerless. In this case, they do it by labeling you with a derogatory term because they don't like the truth you put out. FYI, Jewish people like George Soros served Hitler and helped him kill Jewish people--what did he care, he wasn't religious. (This has been toned down after Hungary promoted it, so it is difficult to find. The facts are the Jewish council in Hungary was solely responsible for deporting Jews to death camps. It was only operational from March 20, 1944 to January 21, 1945 in Hungary and during that time it deported almost every single Jew in Germany. George Soros worked for this organization. both as a courier and helping his godfather carry out theft. The lie is that in his later years he resigned from it and went into hiding--but it was only active for less than a year and it stopped being active when the war ended. Hungarian Nazis surrendered February 13, 1945--three weeks after the council was dissolved.) If I were Jewish (and I may actually be), I would be disgusted with what the Jewish people who killed their own did. That's pro-Semitic and anti-traitor. On the other hand, Soros said he grew up in a Jewish anti-Semitic home. Does that make him anti-Semitic? No. His actions do--but then he uses his money to turn the tables on those who call him out.)
God promised Israel the land if they got rid of all the tribes in it. They did not. They disobeyed and made covenants with the pagan tribes that were there. It is not our job as Christians to get in the way of God punishing any nation or people. He is the one who said because Israel disobeyed it would never have peace. Period. Further, Palestinian Christians, who are following God's command, have been targeted and killed by Israel. Baptist hospitals have been taken over by Israeli military. And Americans are okay with this. Are we praying for the Christian Palestinians who follow God or are we only praying for those who do not? Because of God's command in Jeremiah, I usually don't pray for anyone unless I know s/he is a Christian. The only prayers non-Christians get is that a prayer they draw closer to God and repent. Sorry, if you don't believe in my God or worship Him, why do you want me praying for you?
Hamas attacked Israel with American weapons that we had given to Ukraine and that they sold on the black market and then bragged about doing it. Fact-checkers say, "There is no concrete evidence for this." They cannot and did not say, "We kept track of every weapon we sent to Ukraine and we know where everything is so this is false." The fact is they admit they have no clue what Ukraine did with what we have given them. Of course, even though we have no clue what happened to them, we "know" they weren't used for anything illegal or bad. Huh? Whatever. If you know that, then tell me where they are and what they were used for. If you know what they were not used for, you should also know what they were used for. If you lost track of them completely, you don't have a clue about any of it.
The only thing we should pray for Israel is that it finds Jesus and because they have found Jesus, that makes enduring any punishment God pours upon them easier. I'm sorry if that offends you, but sometimes the Truth is tough to swallow. Being a Christian is hard. Praying for a Godless people to avoid any punishment God allows is dangerous.
As Christians, we go through two types of tribulation--that of God's punishment and that of living in a fallen world--where sometimes we are punished for doing what God wants and sometimes we lose those we love through disease and sickness. As Christians, we are to endure these things, and we have God's strength to help us through them. Christians are oppressed daily in China, in Muslim countries and throughout the world. Should we just forcibly move those Christians out of the places they live and give them a happy ghetto or concentration camp to keep them safe?