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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"Facebook Manipulated Me" - and you don't think other media manipulates you?

I am tired of people whining about Facebook manipulation. Sorry, I figured out long ago that Facebook deliberately manipulates my feed and I miss posts because of it. You can do that if you actually talk to your "friends" in real life. However, I have accepted it, and when my friends and I complain about missed posts, it usually gets written off as "computer glitches." Whatever.

But now that it has come out that Facebook manipulates our feeds on purpose (i.e. it isn't a computer glitch), then everyone is upset. True, people could have committed suicide from Facebook manipulation, but isn't this the same manipulation that ALL media does? If you watch Fox news regularly, then you probably like them. If you don't, then Fox manipulates the news. The same could apply if we stuck CNN, NPR, or any other media outlet in there. Yes, ALL these media outlets manipulate you. WAKE UP! The media is supported by sponsors - if you don't watch, they lose income. Therefore, ALL media manipulates you so that you keep watching. True, FOX watchers generally do not watch CNN, but if you were to take the time and write down what every commercial was about during a day of watching FOX and then spend the next day doing the same for CNN, you would see that the commercials have a different slant of their own. Nobody reads (or makes) news that is straight facts anymore.

Even my posts are slanted to my views. I do the best to give you links to look at the articles on your own, but I write from my own perspective. Granted, I am not trying to get money out of this - I am merely venting my views and trying to change the world, one "follow" and "like" at a time. I suppose I would have to go into hiding in Russia (shudders) if this blog were to go viral. Goodness knows I am not on the side of any government leader.

Deep down, the key is for people to stop looking at the media as an unbiased source of news. I remember the last time I watched FOX, they were interviewing a relatively sane, calm, collected Republican, and Geraldine Ferraro. I thought, you could not put a more crazy woman on there to argue the Democrat point. Is that really allowing the audience to decide? No, and in my eyes, it lowered the viewpoint I had of any news that they reported. CNN was just as bad in different ways.

There is a director of these shows, just as there is a lead editor of your newspaper. They decide what is going to be reported and how it will be reported. It is there job to know their audience, and print media accordingly. Don't believe any media that claims to be unbiased. Just look at the poor cut and paste job Michael Moore did during his interview with "Roger" in his Flint, MI documentary (Roger and Me). I have no doubt that the woman running the illegal meat market was reported by Mr. Moore himself, just to make the video more condemning. And yet people buy into that as "truth."

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