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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Poroshenko: The Next U.S. Installed Dictator

It is important to note that although 300,000 have fled eastern Ukraine, they fled to Russia - not to Western Ukraine. Poroshenko willingly bombs and kills his own people, all under the aegis of the U.S. and E.U. If he can reclaim the area, he supposedly uses the "aid" he has received to help - but only in areas he has reclaimed for Ukraine. Now, he refuses to allow Russia to send aid.

Russia's aid is physical not money that the Ukrainian government can use funding its genocide. Russia wants to have the Red Cross accompany them, but we all know the Ukrainian government refuses to guarantee safe passage for anyone. In fact, it seems that once the Ukrainian government hears outside, objective witnesses are going to be anywhere in Eastern Ukraine, the Ukrainian government then steps up its military actions in that area- to ensure any peacekeepers are killed.

Probably more disturbing is that the West has funded this war, but we refuse to send our troops in to help. Why not have NATO troops carry the aid to Eastern Ukraine? I certainly don't trust the Western Ukrainian government to do it. After all, they have had aid to help, but have not used it, yet. In fact, most of the "humanitarian" aid that has been given to countries during the past three decades has done nothing more than rot. If the U.N. truly cared about helping nations, they would make sure the food and supplies got to those who need it instead of sending it to governments to "hand out."

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