The Ebola bungle is just one of many that have occurred due to the current leadership's inability to lead. Had Clinton or Bush been in office, a decisive, fast action would have occurred - in the end, it might have stepped on people's rights or even upset people, but ebola would not have spread.
President Obama, on the other hand, has bumbled around through the office. He just appointed Ron Klain - who has absolutely no medical training and is a lawyer and Joe Biden's former Chief of Staff (read: secretary)- to be in charge of the ebola campaign. Yeah, I feel much safer now knowing there is a secretary with no medical background coordinating our effort.
I have only lived to see six of our United States Presidents, but President Obama is by far the most arrogant - and the one who is least worthy of arrogance.
First, he decided to save the environment with "Cash for Clunkers" - seriously, as an environmentalist, I like to take things and recycle them - not destroy them. The oddity of this whole program was that if he really wanted to get gas guzzling "clunkers" off the road, he certainly would not have said the car had to be made in the past 25 years to apply for the program. But he did. A car could have been one year old and if it were a little more fuel inefficient than the newest model, it could be traded-in and destroyed.
Then he gave companies like Solendra tons of money to "improve green energy" and they folded. He did not start the "stimulus" program, but instead of giving money to national banks, he extended to international companies, like GE, who promptly opened factories in South America with it. How did this help our economy?
When the oil spilled in the Gulf, he refused European help in dealing with it. The European's had tankers that could have taken care of it quickly and effectively, but President Obama did not like them because the were less than 100% efficient. They were, however, the most efficient spill cleaner available anywhere on earth.
Then, there was the Affordable Care Act. The website, that wasn't, the extensions, the huge numbers promised and the 7 million (out of 300 million) insured - but many haven't been able to afford it and the current number is closer to 4 million. The Obama Administration declared success. The Obama Administration insisted this was not just a careful ruse to tax us, but the Supreme Court said it was, in fact, a tax and if it weren't it would be illegal. President Obama clearly stated (1) People would be able to keep their old insurance if they didn't like it - they couldn't, and I am tempted to say that more people probably lost there insurance than gained it; (2) People would not be forced to fund insurance that went against their religious beliefs - But they did until the Supreme Court struck that down, the law as written would have forced them to do it.
Then there is the current posturing - not just against Russia, but also China. Our relationship with our communist neighbors has sunk to Cold War lows. In fact, many would probably agree that President Obama and his family have the diplomacy of a fly at the table: Always landing right in your food and thinking they have every right to do so. The President has been mocked on his many vacations... err... diplomatic missions around the world. In fact, the French had to throw two different events because the President refused to be in the same room as Putin like a two-year old.
He has also, perhaps most surprisingly, returned race relations in the U.S. to pre-Civil Rights Movement levels. KKK membership (and here for example), is actually on the rise and they are certainly no longer as secret about it.
Unlike in pre-President Obama years, everywhere we go, we create civil unrest - Libya, Egypt, he pulled us out of Iraq (as promised) but now is back there fighting IS (or ISIS), he promised to pull us out of Afghanistan, but we are still there.
In fact, the only crowning point of his Presidency is that in his second term he ensured homosexuals the right to marry, despite what state laws said about it. He had promised this during his campaign, and the homosexual movement was pretty ticked that he hadn't done it in his first term, so I don't know if I should really give him a point for this. They would have de-funded the Democratic Party had he balked on it.
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