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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Innocent until proven guilty - unless you have a blameless reputation...

Bill Cosby became the butt of a joke by a comedy writer who has been given plenty of opportunities to make an independent name for himself (including being a writer for Saturday Night Live) but just isn't funny (only one of the skits he wrote during the entire year was good enough to be aired). Sadly, his joke/accusation is just bringing up more hurt for a man who has built his career on being a good father, good husband, and telling only clean jokes (a far more difficult path than the one taken by the accusing comedian).

Over the years, women have come forward stating that Bill Cosby raped them. None of them have ever provided any evidence of this and many waited a year or more to bring forward the accusations. Some have waited so long that the statute of limitations has run out - not even allowing Bill Cosby a chance to go to trial and show his innocence. Bill Cosby has never been indicted for rape. Period.

Most, if not all, of these women state that their agent introduced them (as aspiring models) to Bill Cosby personally. At least one of the named agents said that was not how it worked - the agent sent photos and videos to Bill of potential candidates for his show and Bill would screen them. From what I know of Hollywood, he would have then had his people contact the person and bring him or her in for an audition. Instead, these women all claim he drugged them. Surprisingly, one states after being drugged once, she returned and allowed him to drug her at least two more times. None of these women reported the incident to the police. None even recorded the evidence in a journal at the time. At least one has a published memoir, but she did not put the rape incident in it. None have given any evidence aside from "what they remember" and none have any collaboration of their particular stories. In other words, it is Bill Cosby's word against these women.

Although some accusations have apparently come up before, only now in the age of the Internet when rumors are accepted as facts is this unnamed (by my choice - who wants to give a bad comedian any more publicity than what he has already managed to get) comedian's bad publicity stunt turned into a guilty sentence for Cosby.

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