The statistic that police kill more black people than white people is (as are most statistics) blatantly LYING. They neglect to tell you that this statistic is VOLUNTARILY reported and mostly reported by large inner city precincts who, in fact, have a larger number of black people than the national average. Consider this, if you went to a town, such as Ferguson, where the proportion of black people to white people is much greater than the national average, then you would expect more black people to be killed in the line of duty than white people - and that would have nothing to do with race. There is an article here, that nicely illustrates my point. This one admits the collected statistics are not representative of the nation, and then goes on to say that is okay and cites statistic after statistic in ways that you cannot compare them to each other and is filled with overly simplified graphics based upon the faulty statistics. For example, "Black officers account for a little more than 10% of all fatal police shootings. Of those they kill... 78 percent were black," is paralleled with "White officers killed 91 percent of the whites... 68% of [blacks]... 46% of all those killed by white officers [were black]." Now, if you will notice, when this article talks about black officers, it says that 78% of the people they kill are black. It then throws in some other statistics before getting to the actual parallel - 46% of the people killed by white police officers are black. Further, it neglects to remind the reader that these statistics come from cities where the proportion of black people in the general population is greater than the proportion of white people. It neglects to give us a nice graphic of how many whites vs. black are on the police force (obviously if you have a situation like Ferguson, you will have more white police officers killing people because there are more white police officers on the force.
Warping statistics and not giving us the whole story causes even more tension. People who are black, in general, say, "See - the police are out to get you." Which leads to more fear and belligerency when black people confront police, which , in turn, leads to more black people getting treated violently. People who are white, in general, say, "The reason more black people are getting shot is because more black people commit crimes." Say what?!?! Yeah - that is a serious problem. Now we have black people afraid of cops and acting like criminals in their attempts to flee persecution and white people thinking black people are criminals.
For the record, I am including a bunch of links showing that police will beat up ANYONE who does not do what they are told:
And this one just raises a whole lot of questions about whether a police officer should have the right to ask he not be filmed?
Sometimes, cops are beaten and hurt themselves. Which is why they are quick to attack:
And for the U.N. to call for an investigation is the pot calling the kettle black - seriously here are some of the police in other countries:
Spain -
France -
With technology what it is, all cops should wear cameras. Citizen photographers cannot (and frequently do not) get the story right from start to finish. Citizen photographers can also edit their films to support their agenda. Remember Rodney King? He charged the police (you can see it while the video is still blurry) and neglected to stay down on the ground. However, all we saw on national news was him getting beaten. We also never heard about all the alcohol and drugs he had in his system at the time (including PCP which makes people violent)or the fact that he was on parole (and breaking it). Since sparking all those riots, he was found dead in his swimming pool from drowning after being high on PCP and while engaged to and living with one of the jurors who ruled in his favor during the civil suit he brought against the police.
On a final note, cops also do very brave and heroic things. I think those should also be recognized. Here are just a few:
Skater cop (can't get this one to embed - sorry)
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