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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Australian Bushfires

Common causes of bushfires include lightning, arcing from overhead power lines, arson, accidental ignition in the course of agricultural clearing, grinding and welding activities, campfires, cigarettes and dropped matches, sparks from machinery, and controlled burn escapes.

According to recent studies, 50% are arson or suspected arson. Not accidental, but arson. In fact, once the fires get started, arsonists actually go out and start more--making them get more out of control and making so many it becomes impossible to send manpower to fight them all. 

This does not take into account those fires accidentally started by people through some of the above activities.

To make matters worse, aborigines know how to prevent massive bush fires, but have been prevented from managing the land for hundreds of years--allowing even more fuel to build up for the massive disasters that are now occurring.

It isn't "climate change" causing this disaster, but once again evolutionists who refuse to believe that an indigenous people can have equal or more knowledge about something than what a "more evolved" European has. It isn't climate change that initiates that first spark, either, but rather an untreated mentally ill person or someone who does so on accident. 

If you want to say people start bushfires, I wholeheartedly agree. If you want to say bushfires, because of their intense heat, heat the area around them unnaturally, again, you have my agreement. But climate change does not cause the bushfires--people and their ignorance do.

Let the aborigine's manage the bush, as they know best how to do. Stop pointing fingers at imaginary dragons that cannot be fought (there is no scientific consensus on how to reduce the four-hundredths (0.04) of a percent of CO2 in the atmosphere or the 0.00017% of methane. And perhaps our climate has been changing for years and will continue to change no matter what we do to try and stop it.

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