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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Stop the Lies

 I love "research" like this.

This shows just how stupid and uninformed these researchers and news article writers are. Whenever you read a paper that talks about how they "saw" a reduction in "droplets" you can toss it. 

The average droplet that comes out of your mouth and spreads disease is 0.7 um. That is smaller than a single red blood cell. You CANNOT SEE IT with the unaided human eye. Any "research" that is looking at droplets you can see unaided is not even remotely looking at the real problem.

Cloth masks and non-medical masks do not stop the spread of disease and should not be sold in the United States as medical devices for this purpose because the FDA is refusing to do its job and regulate them. The CDC should be fined and arrested for pushing snake-water, but the FDA is looking the other way. This government corruption needs to stop. 

Stop the lies--don't share this garbage. If you see someone sharing a video or research paper that shows droplets that are visible to the human eye and then shows how masks affect these droplets, please do not share it and let others know that despite the large number of droplets you can see there are millions more that you cannot see and the mask cannot stop these. 

I normally would like citations for this information, but my $3 e-book has an entire chapter with over 100 citations against the use of masks because of their inability to filter disease, their increase of disease spread, and the numerous health problems they cause. The benefit of the e-book is that all you have to do is click since more than 90% of the links are to free online journal articles.

I just wish I knew why governments are encouraging and forcing people to do things that will increase the spread of COVID-19. 

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