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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Without Liberty or Justice but With Anarchy for All

The Ferguson Missouri issues just show how happy America is to embrace anarchy. The man who was shot was a thief and beat the policeman who shot him up so badly that the policeman had to go to the hospital after killing the thug in self-defense. The thug, Michael Brown, robbed a store to feed his cigar habit, shoved around the store owner, and then went into the street and disrupted traffic. This man hated authority, had no problem attacking authority, and in the end died because authority finally stood up to him.

What do the people do - they scream it is racist. A policeman shoots a thug and its racist?!?! Police officers release video showing this man is a thug and THEY ARE CONDEMNED BY THE GOVERNOR FOR IT!!!! People in the city break curfew and shoot at police BUT ITS THE FAULT OF THE POLICE BECAUSE THEY ARE RACIST??? Well, here is what I have to say to the governor - I don't like him or his policies. I think he is an anarchist. In other words I think he is supporting a form of government that is treasonous to my government. He needs to step down.

You see, the people of Ferguson are not "black" people rising up against the "white" oppressor. The people in Ferguson are rising up against ALL AUTHORITY. They are standing in the streets saying - you aren't the boss of me and you can't make me do anything! That's the real battle cry behind "Hands up don't shoot." It is not "I have my hands up so don't shoot me." Instead it is, "Get your hands up so you can't shoot me - then I can do whatever I want to you."

This is the biggest tragedy that our President has created. You see, there are a lot of great leaders out there past and present who happened to have a little more pigment in their skin: Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglass, Medgar Evers.

Emmett Till, from Chicago, went to Mississippi for vacation. Like any 14-year old, he bragged to his cousins about how he had "white" girlfriends. They dared him to talk with a white, female tending a shop. For accepting that dare and attempting completing it, he was dragged from his bed his bedroom later that night, beaten senseless, shot wrapped to a cotton mill fan with barbed wire, and thrown in the river. THAT is racism. Emmett Till did nothing - he did not steal something, he did not try to beat anyone up, he did not stand in the middle of the road blocking traffic just because he could, in fact, he probably didn't put so much as a scratch on his attackers. He probably whistled at a woman and that was it.
Let me tell you, I don't like it when men whistle at me, I tend to give them dirty looks for it, and I certainly feel they deserve that punishment. However, if a young teen whistled at me, I think I would smile and roll my eyes. I personally don't think men should whistle at women, and I don't like it - BUT I would never advocate a LAW against whistling at women. Dirty looks are about the extent of the punishment they deserve for such crassness. 
Two eyewitnesses identified the men who killed Emmett. The jury deliberated for 1 hour and proclaimed them innocent, stating it took so long because they went out for a soda. THAT is racism. The two murders admitted in a national magazine that they had killed Till as a warning to others that they needed to stay out of Mississippi - THAT is racism.

Don't think Ferguson is about racism. It's about anarchy and allowing everyone to do everything they want to do. Anarchy is NOT freedom. Anarchy is when bullies get to do what they want because no one is strong enough to oppose them. That is the only comparison that can be made between Ferguson and the pre-Civil Rights era of the South: The people of Ferguson are acting just like the "white" people in the South because they feel they are above the law.

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