Hunter Biden (Vice-President Joe Biden's son) wanted to be in the military. It seems he gets whatever he wants because it took two waivers (one for his 40+ age and one for his previous drug history). Well, in June of 2013, he tested positive for cocaine and was discharged. No one knows if it was dishonorable or honorable. Normal people would have gotten a dishonorable discharge, but then most normal people over the age of 40 with a drug history would have never gotten into the military in the first place. Out of about 35 applicants, Hunter was one of 6 chosen for his naval commission.
Conveniently, the Ukrainian revolution (the one the U.S. supported despite the fact the previous president of Ukraine had been legally elected in an election that the U.N. oversaw) began in November of 2013. This was extraordinarily lucky for Hunter because once the dust settled, he was able to get a job with a Ukrainian company. Apparently, being a lawyer doesn't require random drug testing... too bad being President, Vice-President, Senator, or Congressman didn't require random drug testing.
The thing is, it would have been easy for the West to take half Ukraine so that Hunter would have a job and give the other half to Russia. But we can't accept that. In fact, we stirred up so much trouble that the U.S. was not invited to the Minsk agreement that has held for so long.
However, we did know what that agreement said- that no foreign troops were allowed in the combat zone. Well, that gave us a loophole to stir things up again- After parading our troops around Russia's boarder and generally ticking off the population in several countries- not just the Czech republic, but Germans were caught protesting U.S. troops as well. Well, we decided to really stir things up by sending troops into Ukraine to train the new U.S. backed Ukrainian government's Neo-Nazi mercenaries. Hope that one doesn't come back to bite us like Vietnam, Osama bin Laden, and Fast and Furious.
So, Russia is moving into Eastern Ukraine, too. If the U.S. has troops in the West, why shouldn't Russia have troops in the East especially since everything was going so nicely until the U.S. started flexing its muscles.
Even more disturbing to me is the fact that Europe- which is filled with scars from the last world war, is blindly looking the other way. Our economy is shot. If we can't get a war going somewhere, we are through. Granted, we are through if a war takes place on our turf- we need other people to buy our lousy F-35s to help support our spending habits. I don't know anyone in
America who thinks things are peachy keen here - even though the papers are constantly talking about how our jobs numbers look great, or the only reason we stopped spending in the winter was because it was exceptionally harsh (sorry, Europe, our winter was pretty normal and I am located in the MidWest). Yes, I realize you have linked your economy to ours, but really we are a sinking ship- are you really falling for all the camera tricks.
Anyway, it used to be our newspapers that were biased. After all, the president promised them special information if they would agree to only print what he told them to print. So far, they have done a pretty good job of following the rules. Now, however, it seems this writer in Scotland has figured it out. The rich ruling class (if you are American and don't believe we are only ruled by the rich, you really need to check out the backgrounds of those in power- like Mr. Biden) has screwed up the world economy through dirty deals. The economic collapse will be covered by a war- this time with the East. Sad, yes, but even sadder is that it is the only theory that makes sense. Why else would world leaders WANT a war with Russia and China?
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