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Monday, August 13, 2018

Being discriminated against does not "cause depression."

Depression is a complex disorder that involves genetics. Still, people can't get it out of their heads that environmental factors are the sole cause of this. 

I was recently reading and article on WebMD that stated "discrimination for any reason may lead to depression and anxiety." The article was implying that Homosexuals have a higher incidence of depression and anxiety because they are discriminated against and the victim of hate crimes. I take issue with this. Consider the research on minorities, especially Hispanics and those from India. White people have more depression than them, yet still WebMD decides to push an agenda that is not helpful to people suffering from depression or to the homosexual community.

Yes, some external factors can affect temporary depression. For example, after a spouse dies, it is normal for people to go through a period of depression that is a reaction to that incident. These people need help just as people who suffer from long-term depression. 

People who have long-term depression have different needs than those suffering from temporary depression. Long-term depression is GENETIC. Although people with long-term depression may have periods of time that are better than others, social effects do not affect it. Why? Because even in good times a person with depression has a brain that is wired to see only the bad. 

Now, it is perfectly reasonable to believe that people who are homosexual are genetically depressed. But saying or even implying they are depressed because they are discriminated against is bologna. It implies homosexuals don't need to seek help for their depression because they cannot do anything to get through it since it is caused by the people around them. I understand WebMD is not an authoritative or even good source for medical information, but it is a source that many use. 

If you can't motivate yourself to get out of bed some mornings, if you feel as if no one likes you, if you have angry outbursts that feel as if some chemical is flooding your brain and you can no longer control your actions, you might have genetic depression. Genetic depression is like diabetes in that you need a doctor to help you control it as well as therapy and changes in your lifestyle. Genetic depression is not about whether you are female, or homosexual, Chinese or Greek, it is a serious condition that needs treatment. WebMD would do best not to take that lightly.

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