There are more than 20 countries that have Islam as the established state religion. Israel, although predominately Jewish in religion, is the only country that openly accepts people of Jewish cultural heritage.
People say an estimated 4.6 million Muslim Palestinian refuges have had to flee their Gaza strip homes and are now living in other countries as refugees. The entire 6.5 million Jewish people living in Israel are ALL refugees.
The Jewish people lived in Israel for many years, but the Babylonians, Persians, and Romans pushed them out of the area and Arabs moved into the gap. There were no Muslims prior to Muhammad in the late 500's AD. The land that is now the nation of Israel was not originally Muslim by any means.
Prior to the creation of the modern nation of Israel, people of Jewish origin (whether they practiced the Jewish religion or not) had been forced to move from country to country for over 100 years, constant refugees from one pogrom or another.
Hitler didn't give the Jewish people an option to leave. Jewish people who attempted to flee discovered many countries, including the United States of America, did not want them. Great Britain had gained control of the land that was to become Israel at the end of World War I. They did not take control of this land from Arabs but took control of this land from Turks. Arabs thought they would get the land and Jewish people also thought they would get the land immediately after the war because of two poorly written (and possibly poorly translated) agreements. However, Great Britain actually kept control of the land where Israel is now located. They did give Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, and parts of Saudi Arabia and Yemen to the Arabs. They gave nothing to the Jewish people at that time but allowed them to emigrate in limited numbers to what would become Israel. After World War II, when the land was given to the Jewish people, it was Great Britain's to give.
Are there Muslim Arabs living in Israel that do not like it? Yes, especially in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. However, there is more than 3.5 million square miles of Arab Muslim controlled places on the face of this earth for them to take refuge. There is only 8,019 square miles of land on the entire face of this earth where Jewish people can go and will always be accepted as refugees.
If we decide that the Arabs should also get the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the amount of land that is added to Arab holdings is about 0.0007% more than what they currently have, but the area where Jewish people can then flee is only 5,695 square miles, which takes away almost 30% of what they currently have.
Why? The Jewish people originally inhabited the land but were forced out by conquerors. Then Christians inhabited the land, and last Muslims came. Prior to British control, Turks inhabited the land, but were forced out. Arabs, who claim to be the true "Palestinians" didn't appear until late in the game. Jerusalem is the holiest city for Jewish people and arguably the holiest city for Christians. It is the "third" holiest city for Muslims.
Well, here is a quote directly from a Muslim explaining the only reason I could find for Arab Muslims want this area, "Clear focus by Palestinian and Arab Islamists on Jerusalem began to take place after the Israeli occupation of the eastern part of the city in 1967... the Jewish occupation of the city reminds the Islamists of Muslim and Arab weakness and of the need to rise and free Jerusalem from Jewish hegemony." It sounds to me the only reason Arab Muslims want the land is because Jewish people have it--and that is not an acceptable reason.
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