I want to preface this article with the fact that I do not like former President Trump. I will be voting for Robert Kennedy, Jr. (as long as he stays the course) in the next election because I am an independent who cannot stand Republicans or Democrats. As far as I am concerned, in the U.S.A. our "two" parties are actually one party that only allows the second to exist so that it looks like we are a democracy. Our founding fathers would be disgusted. Ross Perot would have won the presidency if people would have simply voted for him instead of listening to lies that third party votes were "wasted." Things will continue to get worse as long as we refuse to elect independents.
Colorado is showing how stupid it is and how stupid Americans have become. In the beginning, the click bait news agencies labeled the January 6th protest as an "insurrection" and instead of arguing this title everyone went with it. They ignored the facts that Black Lives Matter protests were frequently more violent. The formation of CHAZ/CHOP inside Seattle, Washington, where "protesters" took over a portion of the city, declared themselves independent of the United States of America, and violently attacked police forces that attempted to enter--was a true insurrection and should be labeled as such. On January 6th, a few members of the public who happened to be protesting, broke down police lines, and entered the Capitol without ever raising any weapons against anyone. That was a true protest gone bad--at worst. That the then President Trump was nowhere near these protestors at the time, makes this even more of a farce.
So, we have now put all these people on trial--not for getting out of hand at a protest but instead for treason! Apparently, these democrats doing this have a short memory. They should also be put on trial for treason because of the events during the Days of Rage in Chicago, Illinois. Since people organized during that protest and began blowing up government buildings, that was, in fact, an insurrection. None of those people should be allowed anywhere near candidates--oh, but we forgave them and one of them actually mentored former President Barack Obama. There is no statute of limitations for treason. Why haven't they been put on trial for the crimes they openly brag about?
The Colorado Supreme Court has also taken it upon itself to determine former President Trump is guilty of treason/insurrection without him ever being convicted of this in a Court of Law--his trial is still in the beginning stages. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Well, here in the United States when people with a lot of money decide they don't like the people choosing a president, anyone the people might democratically choose they remove. Within the Democrat and Republican parties, they throw primaries to make people think they are choosing a candidate, but then at the convention they use voters who do not have to represent the choice of the people so they can control things.
Looking at the facts of the insurrection law under which Colorado has condemned former President Trump is easy, Congress right after the Civil War, filled with only Republicans from the North--Southern states were not represented--sought to ban those who had participated in the Civil War!! The January 6th Protest--lasting less than 24 hours--was not anywhere near the Civil War, or the Days of Rage for that matter.
Now, in the United States we do have a passive insurrection currently. One that has not taken up arms--yet. We have states, like Colorado, violating Federal laws by allowing marijuana to be sold and used by anyone. Delaware, one of the states that President Biden represented, also allows all its citizens to violate Federal law. President Joe Biden, who has sworn to support the laws of the United States for years as a representative to Congress of his state, has spoken out against Federal Law and stated openly that people should not be imprisoned for possessing marijuana. I am sure that has nothing to do with the fact his son is a drug addict, but regardless of his reasoning, he has encouraged this insurrection.
Don't tell me marijuana has any medical benefit. Now that people who are not a part of the pro-marijuana collective have been able to scientifically test these claims, marijuana has been found to relieve pain worse than a placebo. It has been found to increase (not decrease) anxiety.
These states don't just allow it for medical use, and President Biden wasn't talking about arresting people who were using it as medicine. If it had any medicinal value it could be dropped down a schedule by Congress--and I am sure if there were any scientific, large scale experiments by unbiased experimenters showing its effectiveness it would be. There aren't. One thing scientists have shown is that people who smoke marijuana are impaired enough that they shouldn't be driving for up to 5 days after use.
If the passive resistance of January 6th was a true "insurrection" which only gets death rates higher than the one protester shot by a cop by including people with heart attacks and those who died months after the fact, if that is an insurrection, than so is the failure of states to follow Federal law. All those in government positions in those states, like Colorado and Delaware, should be banned from the ballots. All those that support those insurrectionists, such as President Biden, should also be banned.
Our Founding Fathers Declared their Independence from England and then took arms against England...i.e. they committed a real insurrection. It is highly doubted they would have supported the insurrection clause at all. If we aren't going to repeal that clause, it is high time we use it equally across all the states. Put those involved in the Days of Rage on trial and ban all those from states whose governments have allowed violations of Federal law to go unpunished in their states.
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