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Friday, March 8, 2024

The Problem with Sgt Karl Wolfe's Alien Testimony

There has been a big push for aliens lately. It makes sense. You have something that will never materialize, but at the same time most people are afraid of it. Very few people are scientifically versed enough to know that aliens cannot exist, and it is extremely easy to fake things well enough for people to buy into them. 

So, my husband was telling me about one of the latest fabrications in this area and in my looking it up, I came across this

This guy comes off as if he were telling the honest truth, but there are some major issues with his own testimony. (1) His dates are a little loose. He says he served from '64-68. Okay. But then he talks about a plane that "nobody knew about." However, two had already been shot down by other governments in the early 60s. 

(2) He alludes to an intelligence school that was on the base--but his job was to fix machines. At no point, does he say his job was to interpret signals or photographs. This is important--fixing machines only requires a "secret" security clearance. Further, a person doing intelligence work would not also have to fix the machines nor would s/he get training in fixing anything. 

(3) There is no such thing as a "crypto" security clearance. This is garbage. 

(4) I find it extremely hard to believe that the machine breaks down, and they have one soldier working on it and go get a newer soldier who hasn't yet gotten security clearance to be in the building where the machine is to work on it. 

(5) They moved the machine out of the building to troubleshoot it. So, instead of moving it out of the building to begin with, they gave a guy an immediate higher security clearance to go in an off-limits area to look at the machine, and the first thing he tells them is he needs to take it out of there to troubleshoot. They then leave the guy in the room alone with only one other guy--with no reason to do so since he could not work on it in there at all. Might happen--but in a part of the base that was supposed to contain compartmentalized information you needed the highest security clearance to be in, very doubtful. 

(6) He talks about being in a "darkroom." The Lunar lander developed the film itself, and then scanned the images and sent them back to earth. Since the Lunar lander was crashed into the moon, there is no way the film inside it would have found its way back to earth if film needed to be developed. Still he talks in detail about developing 35 mm film and a "darkroom." the only film there would have been was magnetic film--no darkroom required. That said, it would have been easy for him to look up the process he describes and think that is how it worked. 

(7) Mr. Wolfe repeatedly talks about "compartmentalized" information. He was a repair tech and had no reason to know the details of how the images were getting there. The guy in the room with him presumably has an equal or higher security clearance but has no problem blabbing about everything--from details about the method of transmission (that are incorrect) to photos of the "alien base." People who have this high of a security clearance do not talk or they lose their jobs ASAP and end up in prison. He then acts like it was okay for the guy to be talking about all the other stuff but once he talked about the base that was bad. Yet, Mr. Wolfe still asked the guy "whose base"? He uses the excuse that the guy "needed to discuss it." If the guy did show him something, it was probably as a joke.

(8) They used 70mm not 35mm film (like Mr. Wolfe says) on these images. 35 mm wouldn't have gotten the needed detail. 

(9) He says that he knew the information was top secret--but thought it would be on the news some time soon. 

(10) Despite the top secret compartmentalized nature of the entire project and the fact he only seems to have worked on one machine for it once, he has pictures they gave him from it. He then has conveniently sold these pictures, and that he can't show the only evidence he had that he actually worked with this project. 

(11) NASA has released many photos from this project. They are amazing, but their resolution is about 3/10 of a kilometer-- not the often cited "you could read the license plate off a car." That is a crock of bologna. He he then tries to downplay the claim he made saying that even though he had seen these pictures of the base, but he doesn't know how good their resolution was. Did he see license plates on the base?

(12) First he tells us he got the higher security clearance when he walked into the building--then he tells us he didn't have a cryptological clearance until later. Again, why does he need a cryptology clearance when he fixes equipment? He isn't decoding any secret messages. He also repeatedly tells us his job was an electric system technician. Does he need a low-level security clearance, yes. But he certainly doesn't need top secret or anything else. "I got to go into every room in the facility...[and do] maintenance." 

(13) He talks about changing your security badge at the door for a higher level one? This makes no sense--especially in light of his statement that it took years to get security clearances. The changing badges at the doors sounds like he move up every time something broke. Now, I would except they gave him a temporary badge that warned everyone he did not have a high enough clearance to be there and was probably given a "keeper" to make sure he didn't wander off, but bragging that he was getting higher level clearances every time he went through a door is silly. 

(14) He sounds like he was a real risk, and they knew it. And, please, he was a tech. The guy with the gun was probably guarding him FROM the Vietcong. 

(15) Your security clearance expiring does not mean you can now share whatever you were told not to share.

(16) His descriptions of "buildings" sound like the natural features of the moon potentially doctored. Mr. Wolfe admits he only glanced at the supposed photo decades ago and came to this assumption after someone told him it was a "base." 

I don't know if someone played a trick on this guy or if this guy is playing a deliberate trick on everyone, but his story doesn't stack up. 

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