I am an independent. I don't think in my almost 3 decades of voting I have ever voted a straight ticket--and I vote in the minor elections, too. Because I have been writing in my presidential candidate since 2000, I got extremely upset during the 2020 election when I saw corruption. The Democrats fought to keep third parties off the ballots by locking down so they couldn't collect signatures. (You thought those lockdowns were for COVID? My weren't you deceived.) Then they took them to court over filing papers with one missing signature on a document for the vice-president--and kept them off the ballot because of that, too.
Don't get me wrong, the Republicans saw what was happening and tried to do the same thing, but the courts ruled they were too late to challenge ballot access.
This year takes the cake and shows that the Democrats are 100% Tammany Hall. I laugh when people tell me Kennedy needs to stop running to "preserve democracy." Hey, Democrats--offer a better candidate and you wouldn't have to worry. Oh, wait, Kennedy tried to run on your ticket and you told him before the primaries, before anyone in the party had a chance to pick, you, Democrats told him Biden was your pick and his run would be a waste of time and money.
The Democrats act like they own the United States. It should be a violation of the First Amendment to use bullying tactics, but instead they can pool as much money as they want into their PAC which was created by the Democratic Party to prevent any third party from running this year. How is that not colluding with their PAC since their leaders are now in charge of the PAC?
Instead of democracy they hire their henchmen to harass people about Kennedy. Democrat lawyers take Trump to court, willing to file frivolous cases simply to keep him from running for office. They do all they can to prevent third parties ballot access because the truth is the Democrats have to steal the votes from other parties or they cannot win.
They put out fear propaganda to their loyal supporters. I remember 2016. Democrats fled the country after Trump was elected because he was going to destroy the country. Hillary Clinton told everyone Trump had done something untoward with the election and Democrats rioted in cities around the US. No one put them or Ms. Clinton on trial for insurrection.
Funny, most people feel that when Trump was in charge the country was a better place. Rich democrats love this inflation but those of us who live hand to mouth are having a hard time feeding our kids.
How long and how dumb are Democrats going to follow this party mentality. They have questionable "scientific" studies (that note their bias in the fine print) telling them how smart they are, so I guess they find it difficult to believe they, themselves, could be such mindless sheep. They conveniently forget any history.
Now, they have the Chavez family and the Kennedy family speaking out against Kennedy and backing Biden. Why do endorsements have any effect on people?
Earth Kitt knew what it was like to defy the Democrats. She had the audacity to ask Johnson why he was sending black people to war and paving his fame with their blood. She then had to flee the country. Some might thing Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall is dead--it isn't. They just expanded their reach across America and became the Democratic National Party.
As I have said on Facebook. I don't care who you vote for--there are plenty to choose from--but if you truly want to preserve American Democracy and the Constitutional Freedoms we should have, don't vote for a Democrat and especially don't vote for Biden.
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